Drebin 893 vs The Merchant (Metal Gear Solid 4 vs Resident Evil 4)
"I have a very strict gun policy: if there’s a gun around, I want to be in control of it"
- Clint Eastwood
Two men who take no sides in a war. There’s only one thing on their mind, and that's to profit from war. The Merchant, A mysterious gun salesman from Resident Evil 4, and Drebin 893, The gun launderer from Metal Gear Solid 4. They usually leave the combat to their customers, but should these two have to step up to each other, which salesman would come out on top in a DEATH BATTLE?
Before We Start
This is definitely a more unique fight. Both don’t have as much history as most characters, sharing a few hours at most putting all their appearances together. Due to this, This debate will give a bit more benefit of the doubt to secure a stronger debate for both sides. Both will get only canon games, and access to most all weapons due to their jobs as Merchants. Resident Evil 4 and Metal Gear 4 will be concentrated on, but any feats they can scale to outside of it will still be considered.
Drebin was a child soldier, forced to fight proxy wars caused by The Patriots. He was the only survivor in his family, and as a result, was kidnapped and placed in the Lord Resistance Army to be raised on the battlefield as a soldier. Later, he was brought to The Patriots and given the name Drebin, to become one of the many hundred gun launderers around the country. He was allowed to do as such, and went around many parts of the world selling guns and hacking ID chips. He eventually ran into Snake, introducing himself asan Armstech Security dealer. He manages to trick him into taking an injection of FOXDIE, a program to try and kill other patriot members such as Big Mama, Liquid Snake, and Big Boss. From here, he kept an eye on Snake, showing up a few more times to save him, and sell him arms. After The Patriots and Liquid Snake were defeated, he revealed that the whole time, he had been told to help them by The Patriots, in hope to take Liquid Snake out. They had no expectations that their systems would also be taken out by this group. Afterwards, he and every other Drebin came together as their own company, taking over the laundering business. It is assumed that he continued his ways from here.
The Merchant
Not much of anything is known about The Merchant or his intentions. All that is known is when Leon came to save Ashely, he needed much stronger fire power and items to do it. The Merchant made himself a clear ally for the right price. Wherever Leon was on the island, he could count on The Merchant being nearby, with a large variety of guns and items for sale. Among buying any valuable trinkets Leon may have found. Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Infinite Ammo SubMachine Guns and RPGs, or even a laser to remove the infection from anyone he comes across, The Merchant has it all and is willing to part with any of it, for the right price of course. His fate is unknown after the events of Resident Evil 4.
Combat Knife: Maybe?
M4 Carbine: Official Model used by the military, it's an automatic fire gun with various customizable parts to change its rate of fire, range, and other things
M16 Service Rifle:
Makarov PM: A semiautomatic russian pistol. It has an ammo capacity of 8 mags.
PMM: A standard modernized version of the Makarov PM. It has a larger ammo capacity at 12 instead
Glock 18: A standard glock with a 17 round Mag able to have a flashlight added
Five-SeveN: A Semi-Automatic with a 20 mag size and able to have a flashlight attachment
Ruger MK. 2 Pistol: A single shot .22 Ruger with 10 mag size. It can shoot tranqs, or bullets that induce laughter and insanity, anger, crying, or screaming
SA 1911 Operator: A .45ACP pistol. It is a slower fire, but strong at close range. It has a mag size of 7 and can have a Flashlight and Supressor added to it
GSR: A 45-Caliber combat pistol with an 8 round mag, and can have a flashlight added to it
SOCOM: A .45 ACP pistol with a laser aimed model and 12+1 mag size. It has a suppressor on it which can be removed.
Mk. 23: A .45 caliber pistol similar to the SOCOM. It holds only 12 rounds and cause have a suppressor added
M1911A1: A semi automatic .45 caliber pistol, able have a suppressor added
Desert Eagle: A .50 caliber pistol with 3 times the firepower of a .45 ACP Round. It has a mag size of 7 rounds
Race Gun: A customizable pistol made for rapid fire, and has a mag size of 19 rounds
PSS: A silenced pistol used for quiet kills. It’s lower power, and a 6 mag size.
P90: A small rapid fire rifle for close combat. It has an ammo capacity of 50, and can have a laser sight, suppressor, and flashlight added to it
M10: A Submachine gun made in the 1960s for mid to close range combat. It has a mag size of 30 and can have a suppressor added
MP7: A submachine gun made similar to the P90. It has a mag size of 20, and can have a dot sight and scope added
Vz.83: A small submachine gun made for the Cold War. It has a mag size of 20 and has a standard laser sight for aiming
Bizon: A Russian Submachine gun with an ammo capacity of 64. It operates similar to an AK.
MP5SD2: One of the finer submachine guns used in war, it has a strong median range with a mag size of 30.
AK-102: An improved AK-74, with a mag size of 34 rounds. It can have the GP39 attachment to fire grenades.
M4 Custom: A shortened carbine rifle with a mag size of 30 rounds. It’s extremely adaptive, able to have a Dot Sight, Scope, Suppressor, XM320 grenade launcher, Masterkey, Foregrips, Laser sight, and a flashlight
Mk. 17: A strong lightweight rifle for close and mid range combat with a mag size of 20 rounds. It has high variety in parts, able to attach A Flashlight, laser sight, Dot sight, scope, and Foregrips
G3A3: A Battle rifle with high accuracy and semiautomatic fire. It has a mag size of 20 rounds
FAL Carbine: An automatic Belgian rifle with an ammo capacity of 20. It’s a slightly better version of a G3A3
AN94: A stronger and more complex version of the AK-74M. It has sentimental automatic and full automatic fire, can burst fire two shots at a time, with a mag size of 30. It can have a GP30 Grenade launcher attached to it
XM8: A rifle originally designed to replace the M16 Carbine rifle. It has a a dot sight on it, mag size of 30 rounds, and can have a XM320 Launcher attached to it
Tanegashima: A variety of single shot Matchlock muzzle rifles with terrible aim. It’s a poor gun in all context except a 1 in 3 chance a shot generates a whirlwind, killing any enemies in its path
M14 EBR: A selective sniper rifle with a 3 and 10 times scope. It’s got a mag size of 20 rounds, is high damage from long range; and can have a suppressor, laser sight, or flashlight added to it
DSR-1: A Bolt action sniper rifle with a free floating barrel, integrated bipod, and a Mag size of 5 rounds. It’s powerful and very accurate with shots
SVD: A Soviet Union Sniper rifle with a 3 to 10 times zoom, mag size of 10 rounds, PSO-1 Optical Sight for aiming at targets.
VSS: A suppressed sniper for quiet long range kills. It fires semi automatically, and has a 3 times to 10 times zoom.
M82A2: A very large anti material rifle for long range powerful shots, able to destroy even helicopters in a few shots. It has a mag size of 10 rounds.
Rail Gun: A semiautomatic gun that uses electromagnetic induction and fires much stronger shots. It has a mag size of 50 rounds and can be charged to fire stronger shots.
HK21E: A belt-fed machine gun. It fires closed bolts semi automatically, and can fire in 3 shot bursts and has a mag size of 100 rounds
M60E4: A Vietnam war machine gun used primarily in combat. It has a mag size of 200 rounds, and can have several custom parts added being A Dot Sight, Scope, Foregrips, Laser Sight, and a Flashlight
PKM: A PK general uses machine guns taken from the Soviet Army. It is lightweight and has a mag size of 100 rounds
Mk.46 MOD1: Created for special operations, it is a modified M249 automatic weapon. It has a mag size of 100 rounds, and variety custom parts including A Dot Sight, Scope, Foregrips, Laser sights, and a Flashlight
Twin Barrel: A twin barrel sawed off shotgun for close range combat. It is similar to a handgun in size with the power of a shotgun
M870 custom: A pump action shotgun popularized for standard government and civilian use, it has a mag size of 4, and can have a Dot Sight, Scope, and Flashlight added to it
SAIGA12: An Automatic shotgun from General Mikhail, it is a close-range quick-fire weapon with a mag size of 8
XM25: A portable grenade launcher used for mid distance combat. It fires 1 shot at a time
MGL-140: A repeat fire grenade launcher. It has a mag size of 6, and can have a Foregrip and Flashlight added
RPG-7: A portable anti tank weapon, it fires one warhead to cause a large explosion.
M72A3: A lightweight anti tank launcher. It has a smaller barrel to make easier to carry and dispose of after usage
FGM-148 Javelin: A Radio guided anti tank missile. It is made to be easy for a soldier to carry, and can lock on or be guided towards a target
FIM-92A Stinger: A portable surface to air missile used to take out aircraft or long-range ground attack
Grenade: A standard Fragmentation grenade
Petrol Bomb: A bottle filled Petrol and lit on fire. It is thrown to set fire to an area
M34 White Phosphorus Grenade: An incendiary grenade that gets up to 1700 degree Celsius
Stun Grenade: A nonlethal grenade to impair sight and hearing
Chaff Grenade: A portable EMP like weapon. It lets out an electric attack that disable technology
Smoke Grenade (Multiple colors): A variety of smoke bombs that give different signals
Claymore: A directional anti personnel mine used for defense
Sleep Gas Mine: An explosive mine that releases sleeping gas to knock out opponents
C4: A plastic explosive set off by a remote.
Sleep Gas Satchel: A sleep gas dispersing activated by remote control
Mk 2 grenade: Another standard hand grenade used in world war 2
Luger P08 "Artillery Model": A semi automatic pistol used by the German army with an mag size of 8
AKS-74u: A Russian assault rifle with a mag size of 30 rounds
PSG-1: A high quality semi-automatic sniper from Germany. It has a mag size up to 20 rounds
Flip Up Sight: A sight for a gun that can be flipped down or up
Rail System: A standard gun part that allows it to be customizable
Nanomachine Repressors: Used to repress nanomachines so gun IDs aren’t interfering and making them unable to use their guns, as well is a tracker
Ammo Types: Several forms of ammo. Tranqs, and ones that cause laughter, screaming, anger, and crying.
Gun Flashlight: A flashlight attachment
Gun Suppressor: A suppressor that silences the gun fire
Gun Laser Sight: A laser sight to add to guns for accuracy
Dot Sight: A Dot sight for certain guns to give better accuracy
GP39: A rifle mounted grenade launcher attachment
XM320: A grenade launcher attachment to allow single shot grenades
Foregrips: Grip attachments help better handling and aim
Masterkey: A shotgun attachment for the end of rifles
The Merchant
Kitchen Knife: Several rusty kitchen knives used as a temporary defense until stronger ones are found
Tactical Knife: A knife used for melee combat, for quick slashes. Max upgrades increases its speed by 1.5
Boot Knife: A Bunch of knives for hiding in boots. They can be used for melee combat or crafting Bolt ammo
Combat Knife: A sturdy knife used for melee combat. Max upgrades increases its attack speed by 1.5
Fighting Knife: A stronger knife variant than the combat knife. Max upgrades doubles its power
Primal Knife: An indestructible combat knife superior to the previous knives
Elite Knife: An indestructible knife with higher power than previous knives. Max upgrades doubles its attack power
Golden Staff: A staff of royalty sold to The Merchant
SR-09 R: A standard government assigned pistol. It has a 16 bullet magazine and increase critical chance of x5 after upgrades
Punisher: A handgun with extreme penetration power, able to shoot through 5 bodies with one shot after upgrades, and a 24 bullet magazine
Red9: A handgun found after the El Lago boss fight, it had ammo capacity of 16, and max upgrades gives it a 1.5 power increase in power
Blacktail: A Handgun with 13 ammo capacity with a 1.5 power increase at max upgrades
Blacktail AC Pistol: Ada wings personal starting pistol. It shares similar but slightly lower stats than the original blacktail
Matilda: A handgun with 30 ammo capacity. Max upgrades doubles its ammo capacity, and can fire 3 shots at once with Matilda stock on
Sentinel Nine: A similar pistol to the SR-09 R, with a higher ammo capacity of 31, reload speed, and rate of fire, but slightly less damage. Max upgrades, increase its critical rate by 5
W-870: A 12 gauge shotgun with an ammo capacity of 10. Max upgrades increases its strength by 2
Riot Shotgun: A Semi Automatic shotgun with an ammo capacity of 12. Max upgrades increases its power by 1.5
Striker: A Semi Automatic shotgun with a much wider spread for close range. It has an ammo capacity of 24, and doubles with max upgrades
Skull Shaker: A sawed off shotgun with an ammo capacity of 6. Max upgrades doubles its strength
SR M1903: A bolt action rifle used for long range combat. It has an ammo capacity of 13 and doubles in power with max upgrades. It does 3 times more damage to weak spots with penetration abilities.
Stingray: A Semi Automatic rifle for rapid fire at a range. It has an ammo capacity of 18 and Max upgrades doubles its fire rate. It does 3 times more damage to weak spots with penetration abilities.
P.M Rifle: A mid to long range rifle with an ammo capacity of 20
CQBR Assault Rifle: An automatic rifle used for mid to long range with an ammo capacity of 32. Max upgrades increases its power by 1.5. It does 3 times extra damage to weak spots and penetration ability
TMP: A small submachine for rapid fire close range. It has an ammo capacity of 70 and power increases by 1.5 with max upgrades and has penetration capabilities
LE 5: A medium sized Sub machine gun for close to mid range combat. It has an ammo capacity of 60 and penetration capabilities. Max upgrades increase penetration through 5 targets
Chicago Typewriter/Sweeper: A large powerful submachine gun for close to mid range. It has an ammo capacity of 60, and infinite ammo
Broken Butterfly: A powerful magnum with an ammo capacity of 10, and strong penetration capabilities. It increases in power by 1.5 with max upgrades
Killer7: A laser sighted Magnum with an ammo capacity of 15, and penetration capabilities. Max upgrades gives it a 5 times critical rate
Bow gun: A standard crossbow. It has a capacity of 1
Blast Crossbow: A large crossbow able to fire arrows with explosives attached. It has an ammo capacity of 1 and max upgrades increases it’s explosive range by 1.5
Rocket Launcher: An RPG that deals massive damage with its explosion. It had a low fire rate, but large AOE with no recoil
Rocket Launcher Special: Exactly the same as a regular but with a special rocket strong enough to instantly kill Saddler
Infinite Ammo Rocket Launcher: A superior version of the regular RPG, with higher rate of fire, attack, and unlimited ammo
P.R.L. 412: A lightspeed laser that destroys the Las Plagas in people
Bolt Thrower: A gun used to fire bolts that can be equipped with explosives that detonate close to enemies.
Mine Thrower: A Custom built scoped gun that fires “mines” that attach to a surface before exploding. It as an ammo capacity of 10, and max upgrades gives it a heat seeking function
Hand Grenades: Standard hand grenades used to take out crowds
Flash Grenades: Grenades used to blind opponents near it
Incendiary Grenades: An explosive that spews out flames along with it
Heavy Grenades: A much stronger grenade than the standard
Golden Chicken Egg: Is a powerful range weapon when throw, able to do loads of damage with pierce
Rotten Egg: A different variant of the golden egg with the same ability
Scope: Adds a scope for ranged in guns to double its range
High Powered Scope: Adds a scope for range to increase it x3
Biosensor/Infrared Scope: Adds a thermal scope to show the heat signature of enemies
TMP Stock: Used to improve Submachine guns accuracy and reducing the recoil of it
Red9 Stock: A stock to increase the Red9s precision, and shot grouping
Matilda Stock: A stock which allows Matilda to fire three round bursts
Laser Sight: A laser used to help accuracy of shots on handguns
Cases: Metal cases used to carry around item
Herbs: Used to craft healing sprays, heal, or increase maximum health
Healing Sprays: Several healing sprays that can fully resort health
Brown and White Chicken Eggs: Eaten to heal
Black Bass: Several fish used to heal
Maps: Several treasure maps that mark around
Tactical Vest: An armored vest for protection
Drebin has shown to have great sleight of hand skills, such as making a grenade appear under a cloth, then switching it with an apple without being seen, or lighting his fingers on fire. He has an interest in magic tricks and has shown to be able to do them quite well.
He has Nanomachines Son! It can nullify poisons by working through it a lot faster, and allow him to fire certain guns from The Patriots. He has stated though, his nanomachines are not the ones given to soldiers, meaning he is likely not superhuman.
The Merchant
Las Plaga Infection
The Merchant seems to share the same Plaga infection as the other.
Resurrection (Debatable, See BTV)
Several points in the game, The Merchant can be killed by Leon or others, and will simply come back later on, likely due to his Plaga infection. This isn’t another Merchant, as The Duke, from Resident Evil Village, makes reference to him, and seems to imply him as one person, rather than a group. This, on top of, everytime he comes back, he looks like the exact same person, same weapons, and little reason to assume otherwise.
Little Gray
A small monkey who’s always with Drebin. He seems to be fairly intelligent, able to understand what Drebin says or signals to him, can close and open doors, knows how to work a vending machine by itself, and can fire the M2 on the APC.
Vehicle Skills
Has shown to be a skilled driver, even when in a tight space while being attacked by metal gears.
An APC he drives around in to travel and carry his weapons. It’s able to camouflage, and carries a M2 at the top that is able to hurt metal gears. It can be fired by a person (or monkey) or shoot itself.
Weapons Expert
While we have never seen him fire a gun, he has extremely high knowledge on all kinds of firearms. He claims his weapons are high quality compared to the standard government issued weapons. He also is capable of customizing many of his guns. He also as a child soldier, was forced to fight, meaning he’s likely trained.
Sleep Manipulation
One commonly used ammo type is powerful tranquilizers to knock out opponents.
Empathy Manipulation
He has several bits of ammunition that can mess with someone's emotions. Laughter can cause extreme laughing, followed by insanity that may make them shoot allies before they fall unconscious. Rage makes their anger spike and make them leave cover before falling unconscious, Crying will make them so upset they will ignore the environment and eventually drop unconscious, and Screaming, which will make them run away from combat in fear and ignore the environment, eventually dropping unconscious.
Wind Manipulation
The Tanegashima is capable of shooting whirlwinds based on a 1 to 3 chance.
The Merchant
Weapons expert
The Merchant has shown extreme skill in upgrading or fixing any weapon brought to him. He has shown he can increase a gun's power, ammo capacity, reload speed, and rate of fire, and fix knives that break into pieces after extended usage. It seems he also holds the items needed to do so on his person at all times, and does it in very quick times. He has art that shows him wielding his weapons, and a used gun range to back up the idea. His skill and set of arsenal has even impressed Leon, who’s a government agent, so has seen very high quality weaponry as a result
The Merchant has first aid sprays used to heal back to full health with one use and bits of food to heal smaller amounts. It’s shown to be potent enough to heal slash, blunt, and shot wounds.
Toxin resistance
Due to the Nanomachines in his body, he’s said he’s been incapable of being drunk. He can drink straight from a bottle and not even flinch due to how quickly his machines would work through it all
The Merchant
Mind Hax resistance
Despite seemingly having Las Plaga in him, he’s never seen being influenced by Saddlers call. While not explored, it shows Saddler doesn’t have control over him, which is likely why he’s willing to sell Leon his merchandise
Drebin was taken as a child to be a soldier of war. While nothing on screen is shown, this gives him likely dozens of years of experience. Due to being a guns salesman in the middle of a battlefield, he’s shown to be able to handle combat well in his APC, and should be able to handle any ground combat.
The Merchant
While we don’t have a clear timeframe for how long The Merchant has been doing this, he’s shown to likely have some skill in combat. Renders show him wielding his guns, having a gun range he seems to use, and traveling around the island full of infected. He’s shown to fully be capable of handling himself in a very dangerous area, even if little on screen showings.
Helped Snake take down The Patriots
Spent years laundering guns to both sides of the war for pure profit
Has gone to places all over the world including Somalia, the Balkans, Lebanon, Darfur, Peru, Timor, Punjab, Kashmir, Columbia, and more
A memorable character despite only an hour of screen time
His guns can hurt the cast given its what they use to fight
He was a child soldier, he also looks pretty fit…. Bro didn’t do much
His guns are gun speed I guess
Pilots his APC at top speeds while having to swerve around a tight space
The Merchant
Survived through an infected island while successfully running his business
Went from dying in on shot to tanking RPGs
Has acquired some of the deadlier weapons across the series
Is an icon of the series despite so few words
What Are Ya Buyin?
He’s arsenal is capable of hurting any of the characters in resident evil at different levels
Moves at relatively quick speeds for carrying loads of weight on his back at most times
Reacts to RPG Explosions (Debatable, See BTV)
Created several maps
Expert salesmen who survived in an apocalyptic area
Drebin being a shopkeeper, hasn’t seen nearly as much combat as your standard soldier. We haven’t seen him use guns on screen, and only have one example of him being in a combat scenario when saving Snake from some Metal Gears.
The Merchant
The Merchant is lacking when it comes to this, and most things in general. He is such an unopened book, that it does leave many things to question.
Scaling (Through Weapons)
The Merchant
Leon can shatter barrels (0.00037270070272466536 Tons of TNT)
Survivors can break Crates (0.000430352758126195 Tons of TNT)
Urias Strajor swings a mace (0.0015196495681166 Tons of TNT)
Zombies can survive an explosion (0.00303 tons of TNT)
Mine Thrower explode with this force (0.0174 Tons of TNT)
Grenade Launcher destroy pillars (0.01747988644019432547 Tons of TNT)
Nitrogen Grenades explode with this energy (0.03737415272467 Tons of TNT)
A Tyrant survives a large explosion (0.20951996774 Tons of TNT)
Urias Lifts a Pillar (0.253154249522 Tons of TNT)
T-A.L.O.S. destroys several metal barriers (0.3304892327916 Tons of TNT)
El Gigante Shatters a giant rock (0.33889778975143403 Tons of TNT)
Rail Gun Power (1.81169383 Tons of TNT)
Eveline makes a magnitude 4 earthquake (15.0802413958 Tons of TNT)
Gray Fox can survive the destruction of a Metal Gear D (0.3405559608 Tons of TNT)
Big Boss catches a Cocoon (0.828 Tons of TNT)
P-Bombs can destroy Metal Gears (0.6706-27.99 Tons of TNT)
Venom Snake can survive armored vehicles exploding (0.37133475054 Tons of TNT)
Volgins body carries 10 million volts (23.55 tons of TNT)
Raiden halts a Outer Haven (156.78 Tons of TNT)
Metal Gear Excelsus (235.082 Tons of TNT)
Way more experience
His weapons can’t be used against him because of Nanomachines
Ammo and Gun Variety
Guns can one shot
Physically weaker and less durable
Guns could one shot him
Limited Ammo
Worse melee options
The Merchant
One Shots physically
Much tougher
Better RPG
His guns could one shot
Resurrection makes him really hard to keep down if used
Better melee options
Less experience
Less variety in arsenal
Any gun would one shot him
APC would be very hard to get past
Before the Verdicts…
Giving all guns to The Merchant
While there are guns, such as the SR-09 R, that you don’t get from The Merchants shop, he is capable of buying any of Leon’s gear. Since we are putting them at their best, we will give him access to said weapons, as after buying them, he does carry them on his person from then on.
Launcher/Grenade Scaling
Certainly, a strange thing to argue, but it has its arguments. While in the original game, he did die to shots from most guns, here, he actually can have apples thrown at him, and weapons explode, which will only get a bit of a reaction from him. It’s hard to call this game mechanics when he both physically and audibly reacts to them. At least in durability. Speed wise however, is definitely a lot less likely. It is much more likely he is reacting to the dust of the explosion, not the explosion itself. So this stands more just as an AP and Durability scaling.
Krauser's Bow/Custom TMP
Most guns and blades can be sold to the Merchant, however, these are the exceptions. Both of these weapons can only be accessed in mercenaries mode, which The Merchant makes no appearances in. This, and the lack of interaction between The Merchant, and these two, makes it extremely unlikely he would have any chance at having them.
Las Plaga Infection
While it’s never outright stated, The Merchant does show to have the same infection The Ganado due, and likely is one himself. When looking in his eyes, they glow with the same infection, which has never been shown to be anything else but the infection. This leads to solid evidence that he is infected by it, and simply has unique resistances or abilities that prevent him from being a slave to Saddler
Merchants Resurrection
The Merchant can be killed in game at several points and yet still will show up later. One could argue they are just similar looking salesmen, but He seems to be referenced as one person by The Duke in a later game, meaning this isn’t likely a group of people. This could also be argued to be Game Mechanics, but the hardest mode removes this function, which arguably gives it more reason to stand as canon. However, the timeframe between revives is debatable. Leon has to travel to new areas for The Merchant to come back. The time period is definitely less than a day, but how much is unclear, meaning it’s debatable if this resurrection is applicable.
Giving all Guns to Drebin
In the same logic we give Merchant everything. Drebin will also have that same logic, as he has offered to buy any gun off snake, and as a gun launderer, is often carrying guns from all sides anyways. Any guns found on the battlefield is more than reasonable to say he has access to.
Little Gray Speed
Little Grey at one point managed to take Snakes Cigarette from his mouth. As funny as it might be for Little Gray to scale to snake, realistically, he was just caught off guard. It’s not likely at all that a monkey with no nanomachine upgrades is keeping up with one of the strongest super soldiers in game.
Scaling to main characters
Both Drebin and The Merchant interact with main characters quite a bit, but don’t immediately scale to everything because of it. Merchant's best case is being shot with the RPG, which is durability scaling, where Drebin could maybe be argued because of his nanomachines, but he stated himself he doesn’t have the same ones as a soldier. However, both their weapons are used to injure even the biggest enemies in game, meaning both have guns that fully scale, where Merchant has an argument for durability scaling.
Track Name
Guns 4 Sale
Well, this fight took way longer than I expected. I always enjoyed the idea of the guy who owns all the guns getting in a fight. This one is perfect. Resident Evil 4 vs Metal Gear 4. Both have some absurd and goofy weapons, and a similar enough vagueness that there exists quite a debate. So let’s get into this
Starting out, I think it’s fair to say The Merchant is likely just stronger. With the infection, he has a reason to scale higher than a human, and the fact regular zombies took an almost small building level explosion supports that idea. Drebin has no real reason to scale to any AP physically, the most he did was jump off a really high gun, which is like street at best. Merchant gets Wall At least. It’s a pretty open and shut case that Merchant is stronger and tougher physically
And then we get to guns, where the side completely flips. Drebins regular guns and APC can injure metal gears who get to hundreds of tons of tnt. Completely scale Merchant to the 14 tons of tnt, and even say it upscales since the RPG only bothers him, which is the strongest weapon, and he’s still several times behind it, the metal gears reaching 235 tons of tnt. Any of Drebins guns are shooting right through The Merchant.
However, The Merchant also one shots with guns. Drebin doesn’t have anything physically impressive durability wise, meaning Merchant was physically stronger and tougher, and both could one shot each other with weapons. So they were on pretty much equal footing, and Merchant only had an advantage if Drebin got close.
Oh. And neither have a reason to be that fast. The RPG feat is definitely just reacting to the dust from the explosion, not the explosion itself,
Arsenal abilities
Oh boy. The whole reason this is a fight. Now I don’t think this is an utter sweep, but Drebin holds a bigger advantage. When it comes to variety, Drebin washes, just having way more guns of all kinds. Throw in his attachments, ammo types, and grenade and explosive types, and he clearly had more weapons to work with.
But Merchant isn’t totally out. A lot of those guns get canceled out by The Chicago Typewriter or Infinite Ammo RPG. Both have infinite ammo, similar range, and can one shot all the same. This would actually keep Drebin in a bad position. The Tanegashima is 100 percent a super deadly weapon with its whirlwind, but it relies on a 1 to 3 fire chance, compared to merchants' weapon which will always fire its game winning shot.
But then the APC comes in, and that’s an entirely new issue for Merchant to handle. This is an ammor protected car with a gun on top that can shoot without Drebin needing to be visible, and likely something he wouldn’t employ as a soldier. If he sits inside and uses the gun from the top to gun down or even just run over The Merchant, it leaves him with virtually no choices. Almost. The Infinite Ammo RPG with enough time I believe can still punch through the APC eventually. The power gap isn’t Soo immense, that an RPG just hitting it over and over wouldn’t mess it up. Especially if he manages to hit it and knock it over, as the vehicle has been knocked over while moving before. And Merchant does have more than one shot at this, we’ve seen that he can come back from bullet and explosion wounds pretty fast, meaning he may get the chance to get a jump on Drebin, and get a lucky shot in, or at least a few shots on the APC. He’s not left completely helpless. Though, I don’t think that’s nearly as likely as Drebin gunning him down. He has an easier win condition and safer fight with the APC.
This debate is more complex than it needs to be. Drebin has better variety in arsenal, more experience, and the ACP cancels out a lot of Merchants Arsenal. But Merchants Infinite Ammo RPG, better stats, and possible resurrection sets him up to get a few lucky shots in sometimes. Drebin in his APC doesn’t mean a death sentence, as the RPG doing as much as ripping it over would take it down. That makes it a ground battle again where both could one shot. Only one can win, and I think it’s the Launderer Drebin. I wish I could back Merchant, but his win condition just has a few more hoops to jump through than Drebin
The Merchant Wins by destroying or incapacitating the ACP, and then getting one shot on Drebin while he is out of the vehicle. This isn’t impossible, or improbable, especially with his resurrections. Play this 10 times and at least 3 times I can see him catching Drebin off guard and getting the kill shot in
But Drebins win con is gunning him down from the safety of an APC. And if that’s destroyed or incapacitated, getting out and using one of his many guns or explosives to one shot Merchant. A melee fight may not go well for him, but he was a child soldier, he likely has more experience actually fighting other people, and a much larger variety in weapons. His guns and explosives like claymore also let him play far more defensively, which is good in a fight where you get one shot.
But what about The Resurrection? Even with it, I think Drebin does still win more times. the Merchants only ever come back from basic shots or an explosive. But Drebins guns are so much stronger, that a few shots destroy helicopters. If he sees this guy got back up, all he has to do is lay a few extra rounds in him to make sure he doesn’t get back up. And unless Merchant takes out the APC before dying that first time, the surprise return isn’t likely going to kill Drebin, as he’s usually in or near that vehicle anyways.
Little Gray is also there, and while he would get splattered in a lot of scenarios where he tries to jump Merchant, he at least could offer a distraction or even catch the merchant off guard.
As I see it, Merchants requires a few more hoops and assumptions to give him the win next to Drebin. The Merchants stronger and tougher, but it didn’t stop him from a bullet killing him, and melee was just super unlikely. His infinite ammo weapons matched and beat out most of Drebins arsenal, except the APC. And while the infinite ammo RPG and stronger variant of the Special RPG may have had a shot at breaking it, it was far less likely to break thanks to the numbers difference and Drebin able to safely fire from his car. And while resurrection could catch him slipping sometimes, the APC and experience as a soldier would make getting enough wins out of 10 unlikely. Drebin has more experience, arsenal, and ways to play defensive. Sorry Merchant, I ain’t buyin What Ya Are Selling
Team Drebin - Buttersamuri
Team The Merchant -
I'm sad to see the Merchant lose, but this was a great blog overall. Great job to all involved.