Choo Choo Charles vs Thomas The Tank Engine


"Don't mess with a train driver we know places where nobody can find you"

-Some Shirt Out There

Roaming the tracks, day or night, these two will always be out there. A joy to see one coming your direction, the other, May be the last thing you see. Thomas The Tank Engine, The Little Steam Engine, or Choo Choo Charles, The Half Train Half GigaSpider. If these two trains crossed each other's path, which engine will rule the track in a DEATH BATTLE?

(Researchers: Buttersamuri)

(Calcers: Buttersamuri)

Before We Start

For this Blog, we will be looking at the original Thomas and Friends TV show, as well as any connecting movies to the original canon. The “Thomas & Friends: All Engines Go” TV show will be disincluded as it greatly separates from the original canon, among many other issues it puts into this fight. 



“Yessir, they call him Charles. Half Train, Half Giga Spider from hell.”

Many Many years ago, in ancient times. A tablet depicted humans fighting off a large, ancient, spider-like creature. This is supposedly what The spider monster known as Charles is. After the Charles Mining company broke into a cavern filled with strange glowing eggs while on the search for gold, the team came face to face with a giant spider like creature. This creature killed many of these miners, took a train's outer shelling for armor, and then escaped to the surface world. This creature was named Charles. He tormented the island for a long time, leaving people on the island fearful, and looking for a solution. A man named Eugene called up a past friend, and monster killer, to come to the island and take Charles down. After collecting 3 of its eggs, and destroying them, Charles absorbed its power, and went into one last fight, where it would be tricked into a bridge that was blown up, sending Charles plummeting to its demise.


“Now Thomas is as happy as can be. He has a branch line all to himself, and puffs proudly backward and forward with two coaches all day. He is never lonely because there is always some engine to talk to at the junction.”

On an island known as Sodor, out in England, a little steam train known as Thomas The Tank Engine lives. Thomas lives and works every day at the train station, doing many different jobs. Often delivering and moving cargo, transporting civilians around the island, or helping out in other troubles that could happen. In his free time, he enjoys hanging out with his friends, talking, playing ball, and even racing. Though he has a simple job, Thomas can run into many different situations, such as unearthing unknown creatures or finding lost treasures. Thomas' life is never a bore, every day, both learning and teaching others how to understand their limits, put aside their ego, and work together to accomplish whatever tasks they face. 



Charles doesn’t have too much to work with in combat, but the little he has is deadly nonetheless.

  • Teeth: Sharp Teeth that has been able to rip through human flesh very easily.

  • Spider Legs: These legs are large in range, helping him move at speeds fast enough.

  • Spider Eggs: These three eggs are seemingly what his species hatched from. When they are destroyed, it releases an energy he is able to absorb, making him much stronger and faster than before. Greg’s note refers to them as being as hard as diamonds, as well as indestructible. We don’t know how literal that statement is to be taken, but, this means at least the Miners tools were likely used and incapable of breaking them.

  • Light: When it gets dark out, Charles train can still emit light to brighten around them.


Thomas doesn’t have much to work with in his most basic form.

  • His body.. I guess: He is capable of Ramming into things, going in reverse, and can control his body to a degree to help himself lean in different directions to prevent falling over. He also seems to possibly be able to jump a few feet in the air. However, we aren’t sure if he can do this naturally, or if his birthday wishes gave him the ability. 

  • Light: Thomas has a bright light he can emit when it’s too dark outside.


  • Snow Plow A plow that adds some extra weight to him, and can push large amounts of snow out of his path

  • Annie and Clarabel: Two coaches that can be attached to the back of him.

  • Back and front Chains: Chains connected to his front back so he can latch things onto his back, such as his coaches. In some instances, he’s shown to be able to attach things to himself by backing up or driving into them, opposed to needing someone else to attach them.




Charles seems to have a small degree of regeneration. While not immediate, when he retreats, he can come back minutes later fully healed from gunshot wounds and explosions. 

Hell Charles

Hell Charles is a result of Absorbing the three eggs from the temple after they are destroyed. This makes him fast enough to keep up with a maxed out train in speed, and gives him the ability to teleport himself and others.



Usually when Thomas is on the track, he has a conductor on him. They are usually here to handle his engine if it had trouble, or can connect attachments to Thomas, should he need them.


When Thomas has Annie and Clarabel, they usually are filled with Citizens and Conductors.

Birthday Wishes

On Thomas' birthday, he can make up to 13 wishes that will come true. It’s unknown the exact limit, but he’s been able to change his own body in several ways, create objects, duplicate, turn invisibile, Increase his speed, transmutate, and implied he could change the weather. 




  • Tormented the island for months.

  • Shows cunningness despite its animal-like nature.

  • Slaughtered several people across the island over its rein.

  • Killed Eugene, and nearly the Conductor, two experienced monster hunters.

  • Is a recent horror iconic that isn’t childish or ridiculous.





  • While very animal like intelligence, Charles was smart enough to know the wooden bridge over a canyon was dangerous to be near, so chooses to actively avoid it. 

  • Was smart enough to use a train it found as a means of armor.

  • However, when angered, Charles shows a real lack of thinking. When fighting the Conductor, they charged head first into the bridge they normally avoided due to its danger, which led to its death. 

  • Charles despite having teleportation powers able to effect himself and The Conductors train, never chooses to teleport the train off the tracks, instead choosing to try and ram into him.



  • Discovered the lost treasure of Sodor.

  • Saved his friends' lives several times.

  • Despite being a steam engine, he has kept up with some of the fastest trains in the world.

  • Won several races with Bernie The Bus and other trains.

  • One of the only children's Tv show who’s more powerful than you expect but without being overpowered.





  • Coming from a kids show, Thomas has general knowledge on a wide variety of basic subjects. 

  • Has a really good knowledge on types, their speed, and weight.

  • Capable of talking to animals such as fish.



Charles is definitely a creature to be feared, but even it has its own flaws.

  • While It is true he made attempts to stay away from the bridge, this is more basic instinct than a realm of extreme intelligence. Most things with common sense would choose to avoid such a dangerous place. Outside of this, Charles shows the same level of intelligence as any wild animal.

  • When angered, or in Hell Charles form, he charges in completely blind.


While Thomas is built like a train physically, this applies to his weaknesses as well. 

  • He is stuck on the railing, and while he can still drive while off of it, it becomes much harder to steer, and slows him down extremely based on the environment he’s driving in.

  • If he gets knocked on his side, he can’t do much to help himself.

  • He does have limited stamina, and can even suffocate despite being a train.

  • He isn’t experienced in combat.




  • Much more experience in killing

  • Mobility

  • Extra limbs to attack with

  • Regeneration


  • Slower

  • Much Weaker

  • Much Less durable

  • Less intelligent

  • Hell Charles attacks in blind rage



  • Faster (3 to 3.5 times faster)

  • Much Stronger (6.5 to 10.5 times stronger)

  • Much More durable

  • Intelligence


  • Far less mobile

  • No experience fighting 

  • Can’t do anything if he gets knocked onto his side

  • His Birthday wishes can only be used on his birthday

  • He can only have 13 birthday wishes per birthday 



This was quite an interesting one to research. I was very back and forth while going through the show and games for these two. But now that I’m at the end of it, let’s discuss who I think wins. I am team Thomas The Tank Engine. Let’s get into why 


This is very straightforward. Thomas is just much faster and stronger. Even using the high end of Charles AP and speed, Thomas is still over 6 times stronger, and 3 times faster. Of course, Thomas' durability also scales, as his feats come from him literally driving into things. Thomas also naturally weighs more, and can pull much more than Charles can. It’s pretty clear Thomas has a safe edge in physical stats in general.

Arsenal abilities

This one shouldn’t be too hard to give to Charles. While Thomas does have use in his Arsenal. Snow plow helps him push things out of his way, Carts in the back help increase his weight to keep him on the tracks, and Chains to even possibly attach to Charles and pull him along. But Charles can match or surpass these in his own ways. If it got chained on, it’s teleportation can detach itself. It doesn’t need to stay on the tracks, making shoving him off of it have very little meaning, and while he can’t make himself heavier, it isn’t a super important detail since unlike Thomas, it can get off its back or side of thrown down. And yes, Thomas does have birthday wishes that can end this fight in an instant, even with a limit on the amount he can make. but it’s also dedicated to his birthday specifically, making it pretty unreliable. 


So Thomas has the physical stats, and Charles has the abilities. So, what gives Thomas the win? First of all, Charles lack of range options. This fight is going to be a lot of ramming into each other. Charles doesn’t have anything it can try and snipe Thomas from a distance with. Charles is very prone to slamming into things, even when fighting the actual train in game. This spells bad news for it when Thomas hits with way more energy. Over 6 times at least, and up to 10 times more. In a head to head clash, Charles is going to die way faster. While his regen could help, it still takes quite a bit to happen, and would require Charles to retreat. While it might consider that in his base, once it gets angry, that’s completely off the table. And Hell Charles is the only thing that kept him from getting splattered are the first hit or two. While Charles does have teleportation, it isn’t smart enough to utilize it correctly. When fighting a train, not at any point did they consider teleporting the train off of the tracks. Charles does act like a wild animal, it shouldn’t be shocking that Thomas is much smarter than him. Even if he did choose to teleport him off, Thomas has shown he can actually drive around still, it just slows him down at best. Not to mention, a time Thomas has shown to be able to throw himself a bit into the air to get himself off and then back on the tracks. It’s true that Charles has the Capability to win. But it never has shown to utilize what advantages it does have in any meaningful way. Even if it did, Thomas holds such a large advantage in stats, and a possible counter to Charles' best win. Charles may have more killer instinct, but a lack of intelligence, and just falling behind when it comes to stats leaves this train the one splattered across the tracks. Maybe he’ll get lucky once and knock Thomas onto his side, but 9 out of 10 times, I see these two charging each other head on, and Charles splatters across the floor upon contact. And of course, if this takes place on Thomas birthday, than he makes a quick wish, and Charles does the not feeling so good every time they fight.

Sorry Charles, you aren’t able to Tank this engine.


I was originally team Charles on this but after looking more into it, the spider train just gets destroyed by thomas.


This is pretty obvious. Thomas is much faster and much stronger. Without Hell Charles, he might not even be able to catch up to Thomas. And that isn't even covering how Charles has never shown anything that is strong enough to hurt Thomas. While Thomas at his max speed just rams into Charles and his blood gets splattered across the rails.


This is the only real advantage Charles has in the fight. Teleportation allows him to keep up with Thomas and possibly even teleport Thomas off of his rails. Meanwhile Thomas’ equipment honestly isn't that helpful. It can make him heavier, but Charles isn't going to be getting Thomas off of his rails through brute strength anyways.


Charles may have some good abilities that can certainly help put himself in an advantageous state, he doesn't have enough raw stats to easily take out Thomas. Charles also isn't the smartest creature out there. His main way of fighting is through ramming into stuff, which is a death sentence against Thomas. Not to mention that teleporting Thomas off of the roads really won't help much in the long run. All it will do will delay Thomas running Charles over. It's certainly not impossible for Charles to get lucky and teleport Thomas far enough from the track for Charles to get the kill, but most of the time it's gonna be Thomas who comes out on top. It seems that Thomas was the little engine that could get this victory. The winner is Thomas the Tank Engine

Hi Hi

So I didn’t research the matchup but thought I’d help by making a verdict. So Charles Vs Thomas…that is definitely a matchup. This is probably the weirdest debate I’ve talked about mostly because of the characters involved. That is about all I have to say, let's see who wins.


This is pretty easy to go over really. Charles' best feat is him destroying a shed which is neat but Thomas scales to shattering a stone wall which is stronger than Charles. Speed is also a similar case with Charles being 65 MPH due to running on water and compared to Thomas compared to other trains that can go up to speeds of 205 MPH which gives Thomas the speed advantage. 

Arsenal and Abilities

The more interesting part of this debate though there is also not much to talk about. Both are lacking in normal weapons though I guess Thomas can just boldoes Charles if he has the chance with his Snow Plower. Charles also has his body to attack with, and his…yeah other than that both are very barebones in their arsenals. 

What about their abilities? Well Charles is also lacking. There is Charles' healing factor though it's not very useful. Charles' healing seems to not work in the heat of battle though when Charles retreats he is in full health when he comes back thanks to resting which is not the best when in a fight to the death. Hell Charles also isn't that useful because it doesn’t really do anything. Sure Charles could possibly even the speed gap and teleport but that is about it. 

Meanwhile Thomas has the conductor which I know is out of character but could possibly leave him for bate? Though the real thing Thomas has is his wishes which is something Charles has no counter towards. With Thomaes wishes he can just transmutate Charles or just increase his speed making the speed buff Hell Charles could give pointless. Thomas can also duplicate himself which makes Charles have to fight two trains he is gets outstated by. Though I will say it is also limited because it only works on Thomas' birthday. 

Territory Factors

While not the biggest factor of the fight I’d figure to give a closer look on both smarts and skills. Firstly Charles does have the edge in experience with fighting. He is able to fight the main character of the game several times and can do some decent damage to them. However this does not stop from Charles being a one sighted animal when push comes to shove. He doesn’t come with a plan and just selects with the age-old strategy of “I just Gotta hit him, REALLY HARD!”. 

On the other hand though Thomas thankfully has smarts that can help. Mostly he is not a mindless predator like Charles so he can come up with some plan of attack. Thomas normally has the basics of normal subjects and he is very knowledgeable on trains (go figure) so he could possibly tell what train Charles is and go from there. 


Overall this seems like a pretty easy victory for Thomas. With stats Thomas has them and can take Charles physically. Charles does have fighting experience though it's not all that helpful due to Charles main way of fighting is just Hitting people really hard which when you do that to someone physically stronger than you is not the best way to win a fight. Thomas also has better equipment via actually having equipment though the only useful thing Thomas has is the Snow Blower. Though to give Charles credit he has some useful abilities like a healing factor and teleportation. However Charles can’t capitalize on anything with it. Charles' healing factor isn’t really given a timeframe and it seems Charles gets decently injured from just gunshot wounds and he has to run away which he can’t really do with Thomas being faster. Teleportation also doesn’t really help because Charles makes it pointless because he teleports and just reveals himself. Thomas also has his wishes which can end the fight instantly though it's required to be on Thomas birthday so that sucks. Overall Thomas has the stats to make Charles abilities not help him that much. While Charles was dangerous Thomas would just make him a trainwreck. (idk any puns lol) 

Round 1 FIGHT!!!

So…Charles vs Thomas. This is a thing.



Surprisingly, who takes the Stat trinity isn't really a contest. For instance, Charles carries about 57 tons and has a kinetic energy output of 17-22 million joules right? Well…Thomas helped overpower Vinnie, who can pull 275 tons, and he has a kinetic energy of 226 million joules. That's almost six times stronger in pure pulling power, and over ten times more kinetic energy for a ram attack. Even at their maximum feats and scaling, Hell Charles can bash through sheds and likely "tank" more than his normal self, which could already tough out his kinetic energy, but so has Thomas, which, given his overall higher stats, means even Hell Charles wouldn't stack up to him, or overpower his durability, given he and similar engines have "tanked" crashes over double the RPGs Hell Charles can tank. On the flipside, Charles may have a minor healing factor, but it's not gonna hang in there against someone as large as Thomas continually ramming him at high speeds that he can't really escape or dodge very well. Charles caps in the range of 60 mph, while Thomas can hit 200 mph, which is easily three times faster. While the differences may not seem that big at their peak, Charles simply doesn't have the power to match Thomas or exceed his durability, while Thomas could "tank" all of Charles' attacks, and wear his defenses down over time with his greater power and decently faster speed. There really doesn't seem to be anything Charles can do before being overwhelmed in this way, and the other factors don't fair too well for him either.


Tertiary Factors

Charles may seem like a shoe-in for being the more battle-applicable fighter, but he's really not all that dangerous to Thomas here, with his smarts or arsenal. Firstly, he may give off moments of Intelligence, almost like a predatory animal learning about his prey, but at the end of the day, that's all he acts like: An animal. Like most wild animals, Charles has shown that he can't handle the pressure, and loses his cunning in favor of a feral beast-like mindset. This isn't gonna help him at all here, because Thomas is more akin to a sentient, almost human-like train in intelligence, and doesn't have the same kind of stress problems Charles shows. What's more, the stat edges Thomas has and him just ramming and overwhelming Charles will simply make him more feral and lose his already subjective intelligence, which works far better than you'd think for Thomas' victory. He lives with dozens of other trains, and is intelligent in all aspects of that field, including designs and the like. That is very useful against a train like Charles, especially given all the other advantages Thomas has, including arsenal. While Charles does have more combat ready gear, he'd have to actually hit or even hurt Thomas with it, so its really not going to amount to much. Compare that to Thomas, who has things like Chains and his plow, or heck, his other train cars to add on to his kinetic energy. Those tools, coupled with his stat advantage, leaves a very clear picture that Thomas is more equipped in what really matters.



To go over everything in context, the sheer edge Thomas holds in the Stat trinity leaves little room for Charles to work around or defend against by itself, but then the tertiary factors come in and really seal the deal. Charles has shown he can't handle stressful situations when it matters (like a fight to the death), and even when he does show cunning and wit, Thomas is still the more sentient and smart fighter, given his knowledge of other trains. This intelligence in what matters, coupled with his greater physicality, and deadlier tools when combined with that, means there is little Charles can do before he runs out of options and steam. So, I Choo-choo-choose Thomas The Tank Engine as the winner!



Never thought I'd say that…

Team Thomas - Buttersamuri, Bananabot24, Hi Hi, Round 1 FIGHT!!

Team Charles - 

Next Time


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